
Alectra Utilities is committed to providing our customers with safe and reliable electricity distribution services. 然而, power outages or electrical emergencies can occur without warning and we encourage you to plan ahead and be prepared.


Local emergency responders also recommend that residents plan to be self-sufficient for 72 hours in an emergency situation. 去 应急准备 了解更多信息. 

下载我们的 停电准备指引 and read the dos and don’ts below to help you prepare and plan for a power outage and to know what to do.



  • Add Alectra Utilities to your contacts list or keep our phone number easily accessible: 1 - 833 - alectra (1-833-253-2872). 
  • Have at least one telephone with an attached handset for emergency communications. 没有电时,无绳电话就不工作了. 
  • 有关中断和恢复的详细信息请参见下文 @Alectra新闻 on X(以前的推特).
  • 准备一个急救箱. 这里列出了一些基本的组件来帮助你开始: 
    • 手电筒和新电池 
    • 化学荧光棒 
    • 蜡烛、烛台、火柴或打火机 
    • 手机、收音机和时钟(发条或电池供电) 
    • 带听筒的电话 
    • 额外的毯子、外套、帽子和手套 
    • 急救箱 
    • Non-perishable foods, easily prepared foods like snacks and canned and dried goods 
    • 瓶装水 
    • 塑料垃圾袋(卫生用) 
    • 一次性餐具 
    • 手动开罐器和开瓶器 
    • 处方药和隐形眼镜护理液 
    • 额外的现金 
    • 备用车钥匙
    • 睡袋 
    • 卫生纸、尿布和其他个人洗漱用品 
    • 大声的口哨(如果你需要引起注意) 
    • 你还需要什么? 建立一个完整的救灾物资包, the Red Cross provides Build a Kit and other emergency preparedness information at “红十字.ca /准备.
  • Make sure your home has a battery operated smoke alarm on every level and a battery operated carbon monoxide alarm. Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms electrically connected to your home’s power supply will not work when the electricity is off, 除非他们有备用电池. 测试你的烟雾报警器,看看它们是否有效. 
  • Ensure there is always sufficient fuel in your vehicle to meet possible emergency travel needs. 
  • Install surge protection devices on sensitive equipment such as televisions, 电脑, microwave ovens and fax machines to help protect them from surges when power is restored. 
  • 如果你家里有人使用生命维持设备, make arrangements for a back-up power supply or transportation to another facility in the event of a power outage. 
  • 如果你有车库开门器的话, familiarize yourself with the manual operation of the unit so that in an emergency you can get out of the garage quickly and safely. 
  • 如果你正在考虑购买备用便携式发电机, read this important information (link to Portable Standby Generators) from the 电气安全局


  • 如果你的电源意外断电,检查你的断路器或保险丝. 如果电路跳闸或保险丝烧断, 复位断路器或更换保险丝以恢复电源. 如果你仍然没有能力, 打电话给威廉希尔公司 报告停电或获知何时恢复供电. 您也可以使用我们的 在线表单


  • Ensure that all stove elements and ovens are turned OFF and that nothing has been placed on top of the stove. 使用手电筒和化学荧光棒替代照明. 

  提示提示: Use extreme caution when using candles and lanterns for alternative lighting and 遵循以下重要的消防安全规则 安大略消防队长

  • 蜡烛: 
    • 放置在安全的烛台,由玻璃烟囱保护. 
    • Keep candles away from all combustible materials, such as draperies, paper, etc. 
    • 放置在儿童和宠物够不着的地方. 
    • Avoid walking with a lit candle or taking it into a closet or similar area to look for things. 
    • 当你离开房间或上床睡觉时,熄灭蜡烛. 
    • 千万不要让他们无人看管. 
  • 灯笼及油灯: 
    • Place lamps and lanterns in a secure place where they cannot be knocked over by children or pets. 
    • 远离易燃易燃物和多风的地方. 
    • 在远离可燃物和其他人的户外重新填充灯具. 
    • 睡觉前,确保所有的灯都熄灭了. 
  • 火柴和打火机: 
    • Keep all matches and lighters out of sight and reach of children, preferably locked away. 


  • Don’t ever use 木炭 or gas barbeques, camping heating equipment, or standby generators indoors. Deadly carbon monoxide gas is produced by any device fuelled by natural gas, 丙烷, 燃料油, 煤油, 煤炭, 木炭, 汽油还是木头. 


  • 拔掉尽可能多的电器插头. This helps to stabilize the electricity distribution system when power is restored. 电源恢复后,请拔掉电子设备的插头,以免损坏设备. 电视, 电脑, microwave ovens and answering machines are sensitive to surges when the power is restored. 留下一盏灯,这样你就知道什么时候有电了. 为了给鱼缸供气,使用一个小的自行车打气筒. 


  • 除非绝对必要,否则不要打开冰箱或冰柜门. 尽可能关闭它们,以防止冷空气逸出. 如果可用, add ice to the refrigerator to keep the food at a safe temperature if the power will be out for a long period of time. 


  • 避免掉落的电线. Don’t allow anyone to touch or drive over a power line – even an experienced power lineperson can’t tell if a line is energized just by looking at it. Always assume a downed line is “live”, even if it’s not jumping or sparking. 


  • 不要进入被水淹没的房屋或建筑物. 如果你的家或公司被洪水淹没, never enter standing water unless you’re absolutely sure the main power has been shut off. 


  • 如果你有便携式发电机, 只能在室外操作, 小心放置,以确保烟雾不会进入建筑物. 
  • 发电机和热气体应远离可燃物. 
  • Store fuel for the generator outside in an approved container a safe distance away from the building and generator. 
  • 只有在关闭并冷却后才能补充燃料. 遵循制造商的使用建议. 

提示提示: 如果使用便携式空间加热器, 木柴炉或壁炉替代家庭供暖, 遵循以下重要的消防安全规则 安大略消防队长

  • 便携式空间加热器: 
    • Use only CSA approved portable space heaters that have been designed for indoor use. 
    • 在使用之前, review the manufacturer's recommendations for usage and follow the instructions carefully. 只使用器具设计时使用的燃料. 
    • Provide adequate ventilation by opening a window slightly, when the heater is in use. 
    • Before refueling, turn off the heater, wait for it to cool and take the heater outside to refill. 
    • Keep all heaters at least 1 meter (3 feet) away from combustible materials including drapes, 地毯和家具. 
    • Turn portable space heaters off when you are not in the room and before going to bed. 
  • 火炉和壁炉: 
    • 如果你用的是柴炉, 一定要把骨灰倒进有盖的金属容器里,存放在室外, 远离可燃物. 
    • 如果你很长一段时间没有使用壁炉或柴炉, 使用前请专业技术人员检查. 烟囱可能被堵塞或损坏, which could cause a fire or a build-up of carbon monoxide inside the building. 


  • 在清理你的财产时要格外小心. Downed or damaged power lines can send electrical currents through tree branches and metal fences, so survey the area carefully - especially if you'll be using a pruning pole, 斧头或链锯. 


  • 请不要试图协助应急人员和公用事业人员. 在紧急情况下, 如果你愿意协助恢复和清理工作, 最好联系当地的红十字会,看看哪里最需要帮助. 


  • 只插入最重要的电器. Waiting 10 -15 minutes before plugging in and turning on equipment such as refrigerators and air conditioning units gives the power system time to stabilize. 
  • Check to make sure the freezer and refrigerator are working and what food can be refrozen: 
  • 含有冰晶的肉可以重新冷冻. 
  • 大多数烘焙食品都可以重新冷冻. 
  • 冰淇淋是个例外,应该被丢弃. 
  • 奶制品,如牛奶, 奶油, 白软干酪, 酸奶和酸奶油应在6 - 8小时后丢弃. 
  • 补充你的急救包,并把它放回原来的地方. 

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